Are you considering trying full-spectrum CBD oil products but need more information before deciding? By reading this article, you will better understand full-spectrum CBD and learn more about today’s best quality oils available to U.S. customers.
What is full-spectrum CBD oil?
To better understand what full-spectrum CBD oil is, you first need to know that CBD products contain cannabidiol, one of the numerous compounds found in the Cannabis Sativa plant.
These natural compounds, which experts also call cannabinoids, vary in concentration depending on which cannabis species and cultivars manufacturers use to make their products.
For example, we find higher concentrations of CBD in hemp, a subspecies of the cannabis plant with a superficial or null presence of THC (0.3% or less).
CBD products come in various forms, such as gummies and tincture, but oil remains its most common presentation.
CBD oil is made by extracting the compound from the cannabis plant (hemp in most cases) and then mixing it with a carrier oil, such as hemp seed, coconut or MCT oil.
Multiple extraction methods influence the product’s quality, potency, absorption and taste CBD, full-spectrum. CO2 extraction is the most popular method for its efficiency.
What is the difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD oil?
Before you make a purchase decision, it’s important to understand what differentiates the three main types of CBD oil:
- CBD isolate oils only contain CBD extract.
- Broad-spectrum CBD oils contain CBD extract and many other cannabinoids but no THC.
- Full-spectrum CBD oils contain CBD extract and all other cannabinoids, including traces of THC (0.3% or less).
Will full-spectrum CBD oil make you high?
The FDA accepts CBD oil products that contain no more than 0.3% THC, which means compliant oils are federally legal.
Such a low concentration of THC also means you won’t experience any intoxicating effects.
In other words, you don’t get high with a dose of full-spectrum CBD oil.
Is full-spectrum CBD oil better?
Experts suggest full-spectrum CBD oil may be a better option than broad-spectrum and isolate for customers looking to maximize the effects of its potential benefits per dose.
Because it also includes all the compounds of cannabis, such as terpenes, flavonoids and a minimal amount of THC, enabling a synergy called the entourage effect.
What does full-spectrum CBD oil do?
Experts still don’t know how exactly CBD interacts with the human body, but they know for sure it involves the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The ECS is linked to numerous bodily functions, including sleep, eating, memory, pain and immune responses.
More scientific evidence is needed to support the claims that CBD may help treat various physical and mental health conditions.
However, research suggests full-spectrum CBD oil products may have therapeutic benefits on inflammation, anxiety, pain, sleep disorders, eating disorders and PTSD, among others.
The FDA approved the first prescription drug made with cannabis (Epidiolex) to treat severe forms of epilepsy in 2018.
Does full-spectrum CBD oil have side effects?
CBD is considered safe to use by experts.
Still, some people can experience side effects, such as:
- Fatigue
- Dry mouth
- Diarrhea
- Appetite changes
You should always speak with your doctor before trying CBD oil, especially if you take medications or supplements because of potential interactions.
How to use full-spectrum CBD oil?
One thing you should know is there are no official guidelines for CBD oil dosage.
This is another good reason to speak with a medical professional about the most appropriate dosage for you, which depends on:
- The medications and supplements you take
- The concentration of CBD in each drop
- Your health condition
- Your body chemistry
- Your weight
Most people will choose to take their CBD oil dose orally, sublingually (under the tongue) or added to food or drink.
Where to buy full-spectrum CBD oil?
Now that you have all the ingredients to make an informed decision, let’s take a look at some of the best products we can find in the United States.
To help you choose the right product, we have curated a top 10 list based on high-quality indicators.
Each product is:
- Third-party tested by an ISO/IEC 17025-compliant lab
- Made with organic US-grown hemp
- Contains no more than 0.3 percent THC
Keep reading to learn more about the suggested options.
1. CBDistillery
CBDistillery is an industry-leading company founded in 2016 by Colorado natives.
It has over 2 million satisfied customers and offers a broad range of high-quality CBD products, including CBD oil (broad-spectrum, full-spectrum, CBD isolate), tinctures, capsules, gummies, chocolate, topicals and pet products.
CBDistillery is certified by the U.S. Hemp Authority and dedicated to providing customers with tested pure & potent products made with ingredients obtained from natural farming practices.
Their product bottle clearly indicates the CBD concentration per serving, and the packaging provides useful information (directions, serving guidelines, potential uses, etc.).
You can make a one-time purchase or subscribe to enjoy a discount & free shipping.
Concentration: from 500 to 5000 mg per bottle
Potency: from 16,67 to 166,67 mg/ml
Price: from $35
2. CBDfx
CBDfx is a California-based company that offers high-quality products made with organic, pesticide-free and non-GMO hemp crops.
They use a specialized CO2 extraction method and rigorous testing to prevent the slightest imperfections and impurities.
Their online shop has numerous reviews from customers who’ve been using one or several products offered by CBDfx (oil, tincture, edibles, creams & topicals, etc.).
Concentration: from 500 to 6000 mg per bottle
Potency: from 16,67 to 200 mg/ml
Price: from $39.99
3. Five CBD
Five CBD owes its name to its products’ 5:1 ratio of CBD to minor compounds, which rhymes with top-quality.
The company sources its hemp from the best farms in the U.S. and is CGMP certified. They provide third-party lab testing and certificates of analysis on all their products for maximum transparency.
Five CBD offers two flavor options (citrus or mint chocolate) to best suit your tastes.
Concentration: from 1500 to 6000 mg
Potency: from 50 to 100 mg per serving
Price: from $49.99
4. JustCBD
JustCBD is a fully transparent and professional GMP-certified company offering a vast selection of products.
All their items are third-party tested and made with organic US-grown hemp.
JustCBD also posts educational articles on its blog and offers free shipping on all U.S. orders over $35 + a 30-day satisfaction guarantee!
Concentration: from 50 to 5000 mg
Potency: from 1,67 to 83,33 mg per serving
Price: from $9.99
5. Joy Organics
Joy Organics was founded by the Smith family in 2018 with the mission to craft premium products with top-shelf ingredients and help consumers access safe and effective CBD in different forms.
The company details its complete process from the land to your doorstep on its website and provides the lab results of every batch for maximum transparency. Their tinctures also come in various flavors.
You can also find useful information on Joy Organics’ blog and find reviews from thousands of satisfied customers. Discount upon subscription is available.
Concentration: from 450 to 900 mg
Potency: from 15 to 30 mg/ml
Price: from $44.95
6. Zatural
Zatural is a multi-awarded company started by an American naturopathist. Each product is organically grown and third-party tested to ensure safety and effectiveness.
All orders over $5 placed within the U.S. will receive free shipping, and orders over $15 receive a free item.
Concentration: from 300 to 12000 mg
Potency: from 10 to 100 mg/ml
Price: from $27.50
7. Kanibi
Kanibi is on a mission to raise the CBD industry’s standards with superior-made CBD oils.
Each product Kanibi sells is double-tested and all the results are transparently published on the company’s website.
Their oil comes in different flavors (skittles, peppermint, lemon-lime, choco mint, cinnamon and unflavored), and orders over $100 can enjoy free shipping.
Concentration: from 750 to 1500 mg
Potency: from 25 to 50 mg/ml
Price: from $69
Talk with a medical professional before taking concentrated full-spectrum CBD oil products, especially if you take any medications or supplements.